Wednesday, November 1, 2006

robmacca "almost" robbed

While in London today for the Melanie C signing, I went to find out where I needed to catch my coach home as I'd never caught the MegaBus before. Some guy asked me for the time "4:01" I said as I looked at my mobile phone, then he said:
"Look I am desperate, so I'm going to make this easy for you and not hit you in the face or cause a scene - I want you to hand over your money".
This came as a bit of a shock, as Dido was gently playing in my ears and I'd not a care in the world. We were under some kind of building and it was a bit deserted, I looked behind me and he said:
"Don't think of running cos I will catch you up."
But it was too late, I was running off into the direction of the shopping centre where I knew people would be. Then I saw him walking in my direction, so I approached a security guard and reported what had just happened and pointed out the guy that was now walking away.
I wasn't too convinced about the security guard's ability but went on my way to Victoria coach station to be around people because it was another 2 hours before my MegaBus was leaving from the place where I almost got robbed. I then thought I could go to the pub for a drink as I didn't feel safe at the coach station, but who should I see walking around the coach station - the guy who tried to rob me (minus the outer jacket). Don't know if he saw me and I was almost going to go after him to take a picture on my phone, but my battery was virtually flat and wouldn't have taken a picture.
So I found a pub and asked the manager if I could charge up my mobile (thankfully I'd taken my charger with me!). Then waited until as late as possible to walk back to catch my coach. Well, I survived to live another day - but it goes to show you never know what will happen to you.

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