Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Brother 9: Kat and Mo In Double Eviction Shocker

Big Brother housemates faced their biggest shock of the series as two housemates were booted out in a Double Eviction shocker. As the remaining seven housemates had been enjoying an evening of impersonating one another, Davina McCall announced to a surprised house that first Mohamed was to be evicted and then shortly after Kathreya was to join him. Mo had received just 1.8% and Kat 4.9% of the public voted by Tuesday evening so would not make it to the BB9 final on Friday.

Gasps and tears quickly followed as the two housemates were ripped away from the Big Brother house and thrust out into the waiting world. Both met loud boos from the crowds yet Mo and Kat remained resilient and enjoyed their time with Davina McCall as she relived their time in the Big Brother house.

Catch up with all the latest news from the house at Big Brother Blog Squad or click any of the headlines below to read more:

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